保姆,保母,陪月,私人保母Babysitter Hiring Procedures - 香港本地保姆 保母 陪月 HK Nanny & Babysitter

Babysitter Hiring Procedures

Babysitter Hiring Procedures

  1. Fill in the employment form.
  2. Pick suitable candidates for interview arrangements (Note 1): Employer picks suitable candidates and babysitter.hk will arrange interview between employers and candidates (Note 2).
  3. Draft employment contract: Employer and babysitter confirm job scope and employment terms within interview (Note 3). Employment contract will be drafted by babysitter.hk and approved by both parties (Note 4).
  4. Labor insurance arrangements.

Note 1: An interview deposit of HKD100 is charged before interviewing our babysitter and the deposit is non-refundable after the interview. If the babysitter is successfully employed, we will charge the employer the remaining HKD1580 service costs before the babysitter begins to work. Work trial or probationary period is also calculated as a part of the working period.

Note 2: The services package does not include the babysitter salary. Employers are required to determine the wages, working conditions and other contract terms themselves.

Note 3: If the first interview with the candidate is unsuccessful, we will arrange another interview with the second candidate. From the third interview onwards, employer has to pay an additional fee of HKD100 for each interview. Interview deposit and additional charges will not be refunded.

Note 4: In case the hired candidate is found not suitable within 7 days since the start of contract, free candidate replacement arrangement is included. Administrative costs of HKD1000 will be charged for any extra replacement since the second replacement. If employers do not need a new replacement from us anymore, we can arrange a refund of HKD580 of the babysitter matching service.



Name: Babysitter.hk 尋保網,Contact Details:
Main address:28/F, Tung Chiu Commercial Centre, 193 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong0000Hong Kong,
Tel:(852)5404 8005,Logo: https://www.babysitter.hk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/logo_pe1tln.png,Company: Friends of the Family (Hong Kong) Social Enterprise Limited,Website: ,https://www.facebook.com/babysitterHK/,https://twitter.com/babysitterhk/,https://plus.google.com/+BabysitterHk2014/