- 性別: 女
- 年齡: 62
- 經驗: 9年
- 學歷: 中學
- 婚姻: 已婚
服務地區: 中西區 灣仔區 油尖旺區 深水埗區 葵青區 荃灣區 元朗區 沙田區
- 不吸煙
- 陪月課程證書
喜歡照顧BB及幼兒,去年5月完成陪月課程後,曾當過陪月員及嬰幼照顧員,照顧過5個嬰孩及一對孖女。 I love taking care of babies and I like playing with them too. Ever since I finished the Post-natal care worker training in May last year, I’ve been a post-natal worker once and babysitter for 7 babies including a pair of twins. They were from the age of 3 to 10 months old. Before that, I was an after school care tutor for children from 6 to 12 years old. Thanks for reading and I hope to tell you more soon.