- 性別: 女
- 年齡: 38
- 經驗: 7年
- 學歷: 大專或以上
- 婚姻: 已婚
服務地區: 葵青區 荃灣區 離島區
- 不吸煙
Hello. I’m a mum of a 15 months old girl and loves spending time with kids. They are like angels who brings joy. I studied social work, after school tutor and post-natal care worker trainings. All these have given me a strong knowledge foundation to understand as well as react to our lovely next generation, who has different challenges in every stages. Day by day, through observations, “Try and Error”, story telling, interactions…. They will surprise you how fast they are growing and learning. That would be my honor if you are willing to let me take part in their golden childhood. Would be grateful to hear from you. Cheers. 你好,我是一個媽媽,也曾修讀社工,課餘託管導師和專業陪月員。無論作為一個至親的媽媽或者專業人士,我的經驗和專業都告訴我,兒童的成長需要我們的陪伴、教導、認同和贊賞。我相信每個小朋友都有個人之處等著我們去發掘,同時每個成長階段亦隱藏著危機,需要我們去協助跨過。希望我有幸參與你寶貝的童年,成為他/她路上的一點點光,引發他/她前路的光芒。