- 性別: 女
- 年齡: 57
- 經驗: 18年
- 學歷: 大專或以上
- 婚姻: 未婚
服務地區: 北區 荃灣區 屯門區 油尖旺區 元朗區
- 不吸煙
- 接受僱主家中飼養寵物
- 沒有性罪行定罪紀錄
- 專業急救證書
- 兒童或嬰兒心肺復甦法證書
Love kids & pets. Dedicated, patient & holistic approach. Educated & experienced tutor. Experienced & safe P/C driver. Can play various sports, including swimming with your kids & walking your dogs, first aid & aid qualified. Prepare meals with diet plan (chinese / western / japanese / thai / indian cusines), tailor made for kids with medical needs is feasible. Child with special needs incur no extra charge.