保姆,保母,陪月,私人保母Partnership | Babysitter.hk - Hong Kong’s Quality Babysitter - 香港本地保姆 保母 陪月 HK Nanny & Babysitter


Downing London
Pacho Limited

In order to boost the development of local childcare services, we are keen to cooperate with organisations in various sectors. Also, we encourage organisations to support parents and babysitters by providing them discounts in childcare products, services, or relevant items.

We are also happy to cooperate with different training institutions in Hong Kong. It would be great if institutions could recommend their students to join our team.

Contact Details

Email: partnership@babysitter.hk
Tel: (852) 5404-8005 (Mr. Choi)

Name: Babysitter.hk 尋保網,Contact Details:
Main address:28/F, Tung Chiu Commercial Centre, 193 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong0000Hong Kong,
Tel:(852)5404 8005,Logo: https://www.babysitter.hk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/logo_pe1tln.png,Company: Friends of the Family (Hong Kong) Social Enterprise Limited,Website: ,https://www.facebook.com/babysitterHK/,https://twitter.com/babysitterhk/,https://plus.google.com/+BabysitterHk2014/