保姆,保母,陪月,私人保母Regular Placement Service | Babysitter.hk - Hong Kong’s Quality Babysitter - 香港本地保姆 保母 陪月 HK Nanny & Babysitter

Contract Placement Service

All-inclusive Contract Placement Service

(candidates matching + employment procedures: contract and insurance arrangement)

Nanny and Babysitter Hong Kong*One-off Service Fee – HK$ 2980 (standard fee)*

*For 1. expat candidates & 2. housekeeper/household manager position, the Service Fee will be adjusted to 50% of contracted monthly salary of the candidate.

Services include:
  • Efficient matching of candidates
  • Interview arrangements between employers and candidates
  • Employment contract drafting and signing process arrangements
  • Arrange labor insurance (note 1)
  • A free replacement period of 2 weeks is included for all employments if the hired candidate is found not suitable.
Note #1: “Employment Ordinance” requires employers to purchase the labor insurance for employees. We can arrange the labour insurance with surcharge HK$ 290 / 1 year only.  


Babysitter Hiring Procedures:

  1. Fill in the Online Service Request Form.
  2. Babysitter.hk will start matching and send out suitable candidates to Employer
  3. Interview with recommended candidate: Employer can suggest availability for interview and Babysitter.hk will arrange interview between employer and the recommended candidate.
  4. Draft employment contract: After the job details are confirmed by both Employer and the selected nanny, employment contract will be prepared by Babysitter.hk to be confirmed by both parties.
  5. Labor insurance arranged by Babysitter.hk.


Terms & Conditions:

  1. These Terms and Conditions shall represent a legally binding contract between Babysitter HK (”the Agency”) and the employer(s) (”the Client”), covering the consulting service and the placement of the ”Candidate”. The Agency specializes in placing Nannies, Babysitters, Maternity Nurses, House Managers and providing consultancy services to families.
  2. Service – The Agency provides childcare professional placement services to the Client. The package of services includes select and screening of candidates, interview arrangements, employment documents preparation and labour insurance procurement. The Agency also provides follow up support to the Client and the Candidate after the employment starts.
  3. Relationship – The Client acknowledges and agrees that the Candidate, once accepted by the Client, is employed by the Client and not by the Agency. Any legal relationship which results is between the Client and the Candidate, and the Agency suggests that the Client seek legal advice as to their obligations under Employment Ordinance to the Candidate.
  4. Fee – The regular Service Fee of hiring a nanny / babysitter is one-off HKD $2,980. For hiring 1. expat candidates or 2. housekeeper/household manager position, the Service Fee will be adjusted to 50% of contracted monthly salary of the candidate.
  5. Payment – The Placement Fee is payable by bank transfer to the Agency on the acceptance of the placement of the Candidate. Full payment is required right after the employment contract process is completed and before the Candidate commences work with the Client. A surcharge of 10% will be added to all fees not settled after 3 days of the invoice date. The Candidate will not commence employment prior to full settlement of the invoice. The Client will be held responsible for bypassing the agency in cases where the Client failed to inform the agency about the start of employment.
  6. Warranty – The Placement Fee is non-refundable. Should the Candidate is found not suitable or leave the employment within 7 days from commencing such employment, the Agency will offer one time replacement of Candidates free of charge. After 7 days and within 3 months, replacement service will be charged at HKD 980.
  7. Insurance – According to Hong Kong labour regulation, employer must procure labour insurance for his/her employee. You can procure through Babysitter.hk or by yourself. Babysitter.hk expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising due to the absence of labour insurance in the employment.


hong kong nanny, babysitter

Name: Babysitter.hk 尋保網,Contact Details:
Main address:28/F, Tung Chiu Commercial Centre, 193 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong0000Hong Kong,
Tel:(852)5404 8005,Logo: https://www.babysitter.hk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/logo_pe1tln.png,Company: Friends of the Family (Hong Kong) Social Enterprise Limited,Website: ,https://www.facebook.com/babysitterHK/,https://twitter.com/babysitterhk/,https://plus.google.com/+BabysitterHk2014/