保姆,保母,陪月,私人保母感謝客戶Christine 媽媽對我們的支持 ! - 尋保網 - 香港本地保姆 保母 褓母 陪月

感謝客戶Christine 媽媽對我們的支持 !


感謝客戶Christine 媽媽對我們的支持 ! - 尋保網 - 香港本地保姆 保母 褓母 陪月

Message from our client Christine:

Dear BabySitter HK

Thank you for always being my lifesaver!!
You guys are awesome!! Wishing you all a prosperous year ahead!

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Dear Christine

Thank you so much for your support! It is our pleasure to serve your family. We will continue to do our best. Best wishes to your family and your children in the new year !

Babysitter HK 尋保網

nanny hong kong

Name: Babysitter.hk 尋保網,Contact Details:
Main address:28/F, Tung Chiu Commercial Centre, 193 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong0000Hong Kong,
Tel:(852)5404 8005,Logo: https://www.babysitter.hk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/logo_pe1tln.png,Company: Friends of the Family (Hong Kong) Social Enterprise Limited,Website: ,https://www.facebook.com/babysitterHK/,https://twitter.com/babysitterhk/,https://plus.google.com/+BabysitterHk2014/