保姆,保母,陪月,私人保母Babysitter.hk interviewed by Thomson Reuters Foundation - 尋保網 - 香港本地保姆 保母 褓母 陪月

Babysitter.hk interviewed by Thomson Reuters Foundation


Babysitter.hk interviewed by Thomson Reuters Foundation - 尋保網 - 香港本地保姆 保母 褓母 陪月

[Babysitter.hk interviewed by Reuters on 13 Mar 2020]

Reuters interviewed Babysitter.hk to understand how working women are hit harder by economic impacts caused by COVID-19.

As school suspension continues while parents are getting back to their work place in Hong Kong, there have been a surge in demand of nanny service. We encourage families to reach out earlier so we can arrange the most suitable carer for your family.



Name: Babysitter.hk 尋保網,Contact Details:
Main address:28/F, Tung Chiu Commercial Centre, 193 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong0000Hong Kong,
Tel:(852)5404 8005,Logo: https://www.babysitter.hk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/logo_pe1tln.png,Company: Friends of the Family (Hong Kong) Social Enterprise Limited,Website: ,https://www.facebook.com/babysitterHK/,https://twitter.com/babysitterhk/,https://plus.google.com/+BabysitterHk2014/