- 性別: 女
- 年齡: 44
- 經驗: 7年
- 學歷: 大專或以上
- 婚姻: 已婚
服務地區: 中西區 灣仔區 東區 南區 油尖旺區 深水埗區 九龍城區 黃大仙區 觀塘區 葵青區 荃灣區 沙田區 西貢區
- 不吸煙
- 陪月課程證書
I am Aunt Joanne. I have a little German kid and support the German Education which kids deserved to grow and develop happily, also learned by themselves with guidance and motivation. After working in Swedish company, I fully understood the importancy of children education and received my calling to help other families. I have the certificates of postnatal care helper, children development and more. I can speak fluent English and Mandarin. I am a caring, passionate and multifunctional person. I am toddling 2children aged 7 and 4 now for not only school works but also as a life coach.