- 性別: 女
- 年齡: 54
- 經驗: 10年
- 學歷: 中學
- 婚姻: 已婚
服務地區: 中西區 灣仔區 東區 南區 油尖旺區
- 不吸煙
本人非常喜歡與小朋友相處 (照顧小朋友是一件很開心的事), 也曾是雙職媽媽, 明白父母因工作關係或緊急事情, 需要將其小朋友交托給一個值得信賴的保姆照顧其小朋友, 本人會用愛心, 耐性去照顧及教導每一位受托的小朋友. 本人之前在採購行業工作了很多年, 其間曾替3位小學年級的小朋友補習及照顧1位幼稚園高班小朋友 (補習後陪伴他遊戲, 說故事). 本人曾參與慈善團體 “苗圃行動” 所舉辦的 “行路上廣州”, “行路上湖南” 和在港的街頭籌款活動, 為籌款予中國山區興建學校供中國兒童上學, 希望人人有書讀. I like to take care of kids. Understand the parents need to work or any urgent matter, they need to have a trustworthy babysitter to take care of their kids. I will take good care of them with love and patience. I have worked in merchandising work for many years, also have experience on taking care of a kid who studied kindergarten and tutored 3 kids (studied in Primary school). I have participated the fundraising activities “walk to Guangzhou, China”, “walk to Hunan, China” and street fundraising held by Sowers Action which is a charity for developing education program to the children live in China mountains.