- 性別: 女
- 年齡: 54
- 經驗: 6年
- 學歷: 中學
- 婚姻: 已婚
服務地區: 中西區 灣仔區 東區 南區 油尖旺區 深水埗區 九龍城區 黃大仙區 觀塘區 沙田區
- 不吸煙
- 陪月課程證書
To whom it may concern. I has completed the Certificate in Post-natal Care Worker Training Course, and passed all required assessments on 2013~2014. Besides, I has completed and passed the St. John Certificate First Aid. I had been the parent volunteer of the kindergarten and primary school almost 11 years. I helped to organize the activities and take care the students after school. I love to spend the time with small kids. I was a Outbound Tour Guide/Escort and customer service for 29 years. Behalf of tourist arrangement, I need to serve and fulfill the different ages clients request.