- 性別: 女
- 年齡: 29
- 經驗: 10年
- 學歷: 大專或以上
- 婚姻: 未婚
服務地區: 中西區 灣仔區 東區 南區 油尖旺區 黃大仙區 觀塘區 大埔區 沙田區 西貢區
- 不吸煙
“香港科技大學商科生,band 1女子英文中學畢業,曾有兩年半替中小學生補習經驗,補習時間最長的為兩年半,有耐心,能說流利廣東話、英語及普通話(曾於內地居住逾十年,普通話流利程度趨近母語程度),曾考獲上海音樂學院感情8級及皇家音樂學院5級,可為幼兒啟蒙對音樂的觸覺既興趣,平日亦喜愛畫畫,可陪伴/教授幼兒發展基本畫畫技巧
I am a final year business student of The Hong along University of Science and Technology and a graduate of a band 1 catholic EMI girls school. Valued as a patient and effective home tutor, I have worked as a home tutor of around 5 primary and secondary school pupils since 2014 (longest duration:2.5 years). Although I am not a native English speaker, I find no challenge in communicating fluently in English. While I have spent more than 10 years in mainland China when I was small, I am proficient in Mandarin as in Cantonese. I have practised piano for more than 10 years since I was 5 and passed the grade 8 examination of piano of Shang Hai Musical School. Also, I can draw pretty well since it is one of my leisure interest. I am confident I can play a role in enlightening the artistic sense of toddlers too.”