- 性別: 女
- 年齡: 30
- 經驗: 7年
- 學歷: 大專或以上
- 婚姻: 未婚
服務地區: 中西區 灣仔區 東區 南區 葵青區 荃灣區 屯門區 元朗區 北區 大埔區 沙田區
- 不吸煙
Hi there, My name is Jennifer Ma, and I am looking for a baby sitter/ in-home teaching job. I was born in HK then I went to Australia to complete high school and a few years of university. Then I worked in an early childhood education center as pre-school teacher assistance since I relocated back to HK from Australia last year. However, the center is now closed due to the pandemic of COVID-19. I run playgroup activities in the education center using English, run phonics classes, and run classes with my supervisor together in the center. In the meantime, I am pursuing a higher diploma in Early Childhood Education from The Education University of Hong Kong which leads to kindergarten teaching licenses. Therefore, I have learned different education theories, teaching approaches, and children\’s development. I can organize activities and provide teaching materials that cater to your children. I also have experience serving in the English Church children\’s ministry for a year. And local kindergarten teaching experiences during school practicum. I could provide referees and education record if needed. Looking forward to hearing from you!